How long has that been there?
I cleaned out my fridge the other day. Ahh... It was terribly satisfying.
I started by doing everyone's least fave job: cleaning out the scary stuff. I was so brave and opened all the containers and cleaned them out. (my amazing husband usually does that for me.) I took everything else out of the fridge and put it on the counter. The crisper drawers went into the bathtub and were filled with hot water & a generous spash of bleach. I let them soak while I finshed up.
I then filled a spray bottle with 3 parts vinegar & one part water. You should generally use the opposite measurement when cleaning with vinegar to avoid damaging delicate surfaces. Chrome can actually be etched by vinegar left for too long, but we're talking hours of exposure. I sprayed the inside of the fridge like crazy and shut the door for a good 10 minutes. I wiped down any icky bottles or jars from the fridge while waiting.
I then took a bucket of hot water and a tea towel and rinsed the inside of the fridge and used another to dry it out. I used tea towels because they're big enough to get the job done quickly. (I love housework, but don't get me wrong; I'd much rather be lazing about on a Saturday afternoon)
I got to sort and organize as I put everything back (wonderful) and filled out a shopping list on the fridge door for later. I was able to take total stock of what I had, so I ended up using some things that would have gone bad because I'd forgotten about them! Yipee!
I did the same for the freezer, but I just used a slightly damp towel instead of spraying and dried it right away. You don't want to mess with the environmental balance in the freezer. ...just in the Arctic, right Mr. President? :(
Ahhh... Try it out, a clean fridge is a thing of beauty and a thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Vinegar kicks ass and I will be talking about it a lot more.
For info on the magic and amazing talents of vinegar check out: (my hyperlinks aren't working today, so cut & paste already!)
Labels: Cleaning, Deoderizing, Food, Fridge, Vinegar